Thursday, November 20, 2008
Alfred Angelo Clover Green
This risk is a case study that appears to have led to a chain disclosed a false story, using the power network.
THE CORNER OF RISK - The risk of publishing The Power of Red
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Missed Period And Wetness
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What Is The Price Of A Topsy Turvy Cake
Governance: A model in the pursuit of democratic participation
(Khademian & Feldman, 2007, pg. 308)
"Internet governance is the Development and application by Governments, the private sector and Civil Society, in Their respective roles, of shared Principles, Norms, rules, decision-making Procedures, and Programmes That shape the evolution and use of the Internet. "

Internet governance, in turn, has two versions: the governance of necessity of technological regulation (domains especially) and social governance of the Internet as a need to respond to risks associated with xenophobia, satanic sects racism, terrorism, pornography, among others, which proliferate in the network.
A third version focuses on the context of corporations and is known as corporate governance. This version seeks to regulate and protect the interests of investors and shareholders (shareholders) of companies, firms and corporations in general. Contrary to the concept of governance, which I welcome, the state and civil society do not play an important role in this model. Except for its involvement through activities such as the above, from which corporations are obliged to regulate to keep its competitive power in the market.
The fourth version is governance as a new model of public sector governance which stresses the introduction of business practices and new management styles in the public sector, about Hirst (2000, pg. 18) states: "a new model of public services distinct from That of public administration under hierarchical control and Answer to Directly Elected Officials. "
The latest version of civil society is the main actor. It is the social or governance governance system where they are present unions, environmental groups, NGOs, community groups and civic associations in general. However, the prominence of one of the agents, the lay public, in this type of governance does not fertilize the discussions. Environmental groups like Greenpeace have been branded a radicalism that prevents the development of technology.
A version of governance that are not in the categories of Hirst is the "good governance" version used in the European community. There are five principles that constitute good governance: openness, participation, accountability, effectiveness and coherence. Each of these principles are essential for a more democratic governance (Commission of the European Communities, 2001, pg. 10). In regard to the principle of participation in the white paper on good governance is expressed
"The quality, relevance and effectiveness of EU policies ensuring wide participation of citizens in each and every different stages, from conception to implementation of policies. Improved participation create more confidence in the final results and the Institutions which deliver policies. Participation depends essentially on the adoption of an integrated approach of this kind from central government in the design and implementation of EU policies. " In this version
public participation demand a capacity of citizens to participate in the debate. In that sense, it is possible to have a predominant agent in a model of governance. The lay of the expert required capacity for debate, the expert must approach the civil society to understand the context in which they develop their research results, and both should approach the government for democratic decision-making and policy formulation in science and technology that affect the least involved. Is how I conceive social governance, where all policy makers are finally (policemakers).
A governance that transcends the state incorporating the private sector and civil society creates a political environment, social and economic environment for fertile discussion. The solutions to the problems of risk will be on consensus and results will be everyone's responsibility. It can then reach levels in the debate in which the risk will have a single notion, is the global risk in global governance, risk will be local in local governance, whatever the scope, under the same goals and environments of trust, discussions will be fertile.
debates about subjectivity and objectivity in the assessment of risk will be fruitful if there is a participatory discourse, in which both the mathematical models as the beliefs and values \u200b\u200bare widely discussed (Renn, 2005, pg. 52).
Note: the image of this item is a Dell laptop caught fire at a conference in Japan in 2006 (image taken from the blog )
Khademian, AM, & Feldman, MS (2007). The Role of the Public Manager in Inclusion: Creating Communities of Participation. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, 20 (2), 305-324.
Hirst, P. (2000). Democracy and Governance. In J. Pierre, Debating Governance: Authority, seering and democracy (pp. 13-35). Unviversity Oxford Press.
Echeverría, J. (2007). Governance of the European information society. CTS, 3 (8), 67-80.
Commission of the European Communities. (2001). European governance. A white paper. Brussels.
Renn, O. (2005). White paper on risk governance: Towards an approach intergrative. Geneva: International Risk Governance Council.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Patient Advocate Jobs Michigan
Pythagoras THEOREM
* Rotation: to make a rotation is needed at the point around which will make the rotation and an angle that determines how many degrees is this.
* Translations:
To make a parallel translation takes a segment AB. If a point Q moves to a point Q 'on AB, then the length of QQ' is equal to the length of AB and QQ 'is parallel to AB, while QA is parallel to Q `B.
* Reflection and symmetry
To make a reflection or symmetry is making a line called the axis of reflection or symmetry axis.
Thus if a point is in the axis of symmetry, the reflection is the same point, ie that the line is reflected in itself. Any other point on the plane is reflected across the axis of symmetry.
Another proof of the theorem of Pythagoras
Three Euclidean transformations can be used to give another demonstration of the Pythagorean theorem, namely: the whole triangle, the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs equals the square the length of the hypotenuse.
Be A `BC a right triangle where BC is the hypotenuse.
Now make the following changes:
1. By reflection symmetry axis BC, obtain the right triangle ABC.
2. For translation, according to BC, the triangle ABC we subtract the triangle T1.

4. With the triangle T2 is repeated step 2 and continues until the triangle T6.
is clear that the hypotenuse of the triangle ABC, T2, T4 and T6 are all equal to BC and that two consecutive 90-degree angle form. This means that they form a square.
Simple Diagram Of A Camera
regular tessellations
regular tessellation is coverage of the plane with regular polygons and congruent. Are only three regular polygons that cover (or tile) the Euclidean plane: the equilateral triangle, square and regular hexagon.
The only regular polygons that completely cover a flat surface are the equilateral triangle, square and hexagon.
As the union at each vertex must sum to 360 º no gaps, the only regular polygons that add up to 360 when joined by their corners, interior is all three.
equilateral triangles, squares and hexagons
semi-regular tessellation are those containing 2 or more regular polygons in their training. A semi-regular tessellation has the following properties:
1. This consists only of regular polygons.
2. The arrangement of polygons at each vertex is identical.
3. There are only 8 semi-regular tessellations
tiles Construction Method removable
This is a very good technique where you draw a figure on paper and then cut it and superimpose it on another paper take their boundary several times to get a tiling. Method
is a method by which they are used only circles and ovals and create figures like rabbits but can only do black and white but is rarely used in the does white tessellation, but many do so in combination with method Encino, francaso "which is a mistake because with that method does not create tessellations but forms of alcohol bottles. With this method it is essential that not a single figure is equal to another but what differentiates the color can be put on a black and white alike in shape and the first tiling to be done with this method was the form of a bunny rabbit with 54 but all different from each other.
The tessellations have been used around the world from ancient times to coat floors and walls, and also as decorative furniture, carpets, tapestries in this case speak of the hexagonal tiling of a soil as shown in the picture.
method to tessellate that has been used on the floor shown in the photograph
tessellation Allen is one of the simplest methods, the construction of your employer, involves turns 60 º and 180 º of two arbitrary lines, to which underlies an equilateral triangle.
As in all cases equilateral pattern, turning it 60 degrees is obtained a hexagonal pattern (based on a regular hexagon), exactly as when turning a triangle of 60 º is generated a regular hexagon.
Since the underlying design a regular hexagon, the tiling is a special case of the previous case, as a regular hexagon is a polygon with even number of sides and has parallel. Therefore, the tiling is generated by translation, as the vectors joining midpoints of opposite sides.
Photograph of a hexagonal floor tiling
One advantage of the hexagonal tessellation is that it be cheaper and performs better.
Indeed, it is easy to see that the ratio between the square of perimeter and area worth:
For the triangle to the square 16 and the hexagon.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sleeping On Side Face Asymmetrical
Navigating the risks of Internet
One night, tired of surfing the Internet, I kept watching detective film. I generally do not like this kind of movies but the dialogue was between a detective and his daughter, sitting at a computer, I drew attention: " daughter, I have always tried your safety. I have always protected from damage you may cause. This home features the most modern security systems, is connected to the nearest police station. Therefore we have never had an intruder, but ... so I never imagined is that the intruder enter through the screen. "
I recently gave some talks about the great benefits provided by the Internet, use blogs, forums, wikis, free software and many other free resources that, properly used, allows us to interact with the world. However, every opportunity is accompanied by risk. Technological developments raises the risk.

The interaction with these people on the network creates risk, but such interaction is transparent to us. Being connected means interaction with some or many of the creatures of the network, for example, a cracker might be trying to undermine our security, if indeed we do. A pederast could be trying to have virtual contact with our children (the intruder who surprised the detective), a spammer is sending us unwanted information, or at least not requested. A spyware is putting a Trojan on our team as we visit your page incautiously.
are many risks to which we submit to become Internet users, with a little help from wikipedia and some web pages will outline the most Common:
1. Risk of infection.

The Windows, he always hated Windows, whatever version, system is attacked by virus writers. The Melissa virus (1999), for example, generated losses of more than $ 300 million affecting more than 15% of the world's computers that used Windows and Word. In those years I was terrified of any. Doc external.

2. Risk mail
The e-mail are growing rapidly. For example, in 1998 there were 253 million, while in 2006 amounted to 1,600. Generally mail viruses we receive, in addition to the always annoying spam email
Phishing. "Dear customer of Bancolombia ...." Sure, some recall an email that began with this sentence. Do not miss the unwary who fell into the networks of these hackers. But not only was Bancolombia, the attack is the major banking institutions in the world. Phishing unwary searches the network to supply personal information, especially data from your bank account or credit card. There are cases renowned as Bancolombia, Citibank, BVA and Santander, asking that they update their accounts or y occasion. The most unusual, funniest say, is that fraudulent activity has been reported in the state. Phishing is via email, leading the unwary to a rogue site, with full appearance be real.
These thieves send your emails to everyone and are not attacking bank users, know some of will and will not miss the unwary.
Attachments. A friend frequently have problems with viruses, slow computer, and other symptoms that reflect the misuse of your emails. I could not make him understand that the beautiful PowerPoint presentations (ppt or pps extension), mass, bring one or another virus, worm or Trojan. The e-mail attachments are ideal hiding places for the Trojans, is a means of rapid spread and which fall many, many, unsuspecting, especially lovers of PowerPoint slides.
"Unfortunately Care should be taken now to open this type of email because a new vulnerability in Power Point, presents the risk that anyone can take advantage and install a Trojan called MDropper-BH that makes the computer download malware, turning your PC a zombie "
way of malware. This is a word that means malware (bad icious soft ware) in this category are the above programs. That is a Trojan horse, worm, virus and spyware are malware.
3. Risk chat.
Here we return to the introduction this corner. For the chat is that the intruder entered the house detective. Online criminals lure victims with cute phrases, chat know the language of children and youth, the emoticons used properly, posing as another child or young person, share the latest music, in order to spend ... time until the victim falls into your network. By this means it is possible to convince the unsuspecting child or young person to connect your camera and display her body are also known cases where the victim provides parental information (bank accounts and credit cards) and, most regrettable, information on the habits, which allows the criminal, you know when your victim is alone. This is just a sample of what the attacker can do. The effects on moral, ethical, religious, etc. yet to explore. It is well known the proliferation of sects, terrorist groups, xenophobic, racist, anarchist, well ... how much pollution can control the world without the Internet.
4. Risk of slippage. The absence of governance
The issue of Internet governance is in vogue. The lack of control they demand. However, it will be a topic for another corner. Also there are other risks of the Internet have not tried as the case of online games, free programs , useless information (Internet junk), impersonations, violations of privacy, piracy, and a very long list . My purpose is to call attention to the most common ones to which we are exposed.
I end on a note published in the newspaper El Tiempo of Bogotá, on 30 March: " In two years could collapse too much information online to Nemertes Research says " the apocalypse of the Internet?
Some excerpts of note are the following: " At some point it will be almost impossible to see a video, download a song or 'chat' ", " research [...] that only the current traffic YouTube is equal to that endured throughout the Network in 2000. On that website you can see more than 80 million people post videos at a rate of almost 200,000 Daily ".
The note ends with the effects of a paralysis of Internet banking collapse of virtual goodbye to our emails, most telephony services could not be used (goodbye to the blackberry and other new technologies), E-commerce lose millions,
Some benefits that have led to the Big Bang of the Internet are:
Your free email: www. ,
Your photos. Http://
Your blog : , http : / / ,
Your Internet documents:
Your videos: , http://video . / ,
Your free programs:
Your virtual hard disk: 25 GB free, Your wiki:
Hey there great risk, the digital explosion out of control. All profit comes risk. These are the brief findings of this corner.
The images used were downloaded from the following addresses
Figure 1: 11/651948.jpg
Figure 2:
Figure 3.
Figure 4:
Figure 5:
Friday, January 18, 2008
Creamy Cervical Mucus Right Before Bfp
Millet is on fire battalion ! was the first sentence I heard on Saturday December 29, 2007 about the event which will be discussed in this corner. My wife repeated what ba just listening through a telephone call. " be that the guerrillas went to the battalion ? It was a question logic in the context of our troubled country. I do not think they are so bold, I thought doubtfully.
So we began an extraordinary day in our lives. While other events had already lived in the previous own urban violence in Medellin, the event was presented as a unique opportunity to confront some positions on the perception of risk. Back to mind a phrase that I have defended in other articles of this corner: The risk exists in the storm! And there we were in the midst of the storm.
Papi see the smoke is coming out of the battalion ! The cry of my daughter was accompanied by the sound of several explosions. The thing looks serious, I thought with concern. My first decision was to give orders not to lean out the windows and put us on the lowest level of our house, then turned on the radio and TV in search of new information. It was not the guerrillas, it was an accident which left initial explosion of a grenade in the armory of the military garrison. That is the first confrontation with the studies on perception in general and the perception risk in particular ... the theoretical load.
Public perception of risk is not only based on natural phenomena technological causing it, is also based on beliefs (false or correct), on values \u200b\u200band cultural principles in the distorted information from different sources reported risk in historical tradition that is the universe of experience recipient agent, in its theoretical charge, in their emotions, and very low degree of probabilistic estimates of experts. This public perception builds its own risks, accepts or avoids, prioritizes, manages, represents and reports, in turn becomes a source of new risks [1]
Mijo sister called me crying, said that we must evacuate ! "Evacuate? Why? Were questions that were not my load theoretical response. Are exploiting grenades, mortars and ammunition and my house is about 500 meters away are exaggerating! Maybe it's a case of amplification of risk. I opened the door to my house to watch the reaction of my neighbors. I watched one with the face of concern, passing me said: brother out of here that if the fire reaches the basement ... fly shit hurdle!. Then he walked away with his family as a soul that takes the devil.
Millet turned to call his sister, is distraught and says they are going to evacuate if ! Finishing the sentence my wife heard a loud explosion followed by a vibration of the structure of our house. At that time remembered Cali blast, which devastated more than 40 blocks.
The August 7, 1956 in Cali, was recorded the most awful mess of industrial origin. Seven military trucks carrying 40 tons of gelatinous dynamite explode, wiping out more than 40 blocks in five neighborhoods in the city. The records EMDAT 2.700 dead, Cali talk to more than 10,000. "For three days straight, got trucks of corpses" is the testimony of one of the gravediggers in the city. "Flying fireballs, I thought the world was running out," says another of the witnesses of the disaster . [2]
To hell with my load theoretical, to hell with the risk, uncertainty reigns caution. Come immediately! I told my family and without further preparations we left the storm .
Outdoors carefully watching the reaction of other neighbors, it was my opportunity to study the risk ... the risk itself. Some, like us, left the scene, others were quiet as if nothing had happened and, more perplexed me, curiosity was invited to approach the scene. There were many onlookers leaning on balconies and rooftops or in the streets around the battalion. These neighbors did not perceive the risk was more morbid curiosity.
As we walked away, our car was listening to the news. Some residents near the scene refused to evacuate for fear that their homes stolen ! Said a civil defense official interviewed by the station that was tuned Please do not adhere to material things ! He said the people reluctant to evacuate. The perennial problem in the stool ... attachment to the material. Something similar happened in New Orleans and now with the imminent risk of Galeras volcano in Colombia and the Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador. It seems that only when the volcanic rocks or chips are on their heads, they will perceive the risk.
Across the city the perceived risk respond to psychological theories, especially the psychometric Paul Slovic et al. Far minimized the risk perception. Although seen the smoke that rose in the distance, there was increased interest in the event. We, the evacuees, relatábamos the event, but new risk recipients continued their daily lives as if nothing was happening.
The wait was long, the event had started around 10:30 am. At 3 pm still watching the smoke. When I saw the helicopter carrying water to douse the fire, I knew that the risk had passed, the storm had ceased. We returned to our home without hindrance, there were no restrictions on admission to our unit ... never existed.

Despite all the theories about perception, I am struck by the analysis of the Scottish philosopher David Hume around two concepts that we experienced in the storm: belief and uncertainty. The influence that may have a belief in perception, Hume brings as an example: "a coward, whose fears were easily aroused, nods easily to any news of the danger that you get, the same as a person sad and melancholy disposition is very gullible to everything that feeds his ruling passion " (Hume, 1738, p.67). There is then, according to Hume, a predisposition of some people to believe or forming beliefs about risks and has not been presented an external impression of it.
Emotions play an important role in the rationality or irrationality of our decisions. At first I was puzzled, then I was sure of my decision from my load theoretical uncertainty arose subsequently amended my belief: are exploding grenade ammunition, mortars and may explode something potentially destructive . " panic, helplessness, physical pain (sensation) and other emotions can delay important decisions " (Elster, 1996). Also occurred in the perception of risk with the people who did not evacuate. Staying in the area of \u200b\u200brisk, given the imminence of the risk, it could be an irrational decision, however, is not easy to know the emotions that led to such a decision. The uncertainty associated with the risk could give rise to the hope of the non-occurrence of a disaster, panic over the possible loss of the unique heritage of some families perhaps influenced the decision, attachment to material things, distrust of information from experts or any other causes are possible scenarios of multiple emotions that directly affect decision-making for risk.
Our decision to evacuate was rational from our belief. Another decision was irrational.
Finally, I highlight a phrase I heard that day on the radio: "There is no risk ... risk means that something can happen not will happen." Was the message from our Mayor. I conclude with this sentence because risk is a concept with which I totally agree. He highlighted the possibility of as a concept that justifies my disposal, but also turn justifies those who decided to stay ... but with one big difference: I did not lose anything wrong in my decision, what would have lost my neighbors if they had been wrong?
Hume, D. (1837), A Treatise of Human Nature: being an Attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects . Chile, Escuela de Filosofía Universidad ARCIS. Edición electrónica ( ), 2004
Elster, J. Rationality and the Emotions , the Economic Journal, 106, 1996, 1386-1397.
Gunawardane, N & Noronha, F. Communicating Disasters. An Asia pacific Resource Book , 2007
[1] I'm not sure of his writing. In my quest for a bomb found under such designation only refers to bombs of World War II.
2] See Colombia country disaster risk in the Corner December 2005 ( www.rincondelriesgo. ) The EM-DAT is a a database of international disasters of the University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium, ranks at the top Villatina disasters (sliding one of the slopes of Medellin), Armero (volcanic) and Cali (industrial accident scarcely known by many Colombians)
[3 ] Taken from one of the conclusions of my research on risk perception.