Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Day Of The Week Boxers
About (Jay) Smith
is worth taking at least one post to Jay Smith, American rehabilitation (or physiatrist, as they like to) , the Department Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester .
If we in the pubmed search and we'll see you type your name in the afternoons free to spend our colleague Smith: Research and publication . Your favorite magazines for it are the following "American Journal of Sports Medicine , " Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation " and 'recently Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine" .

is worth taking at least one post to Jay Smith, American rehabilitation (or physiatrist, as they like to) , the Department Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester .
If we in the pubmed search and we'll see you type your name in the afternoons free to spend our colleague Smith: Research and publication . Your favorite magazines for it are the following "American Journal of Sports Medicine , " Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation " and 'recently Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine" .
on their publications in the last magazine I would like to emphasis. I applaud the work of Smith for being one of the most active in the field of minimally invasive musculoskeletal disorders . Here you can visit his profile and here is the link to his latest article , which together with the Department of Hand Surgery, Mayo tested the safety and accuracy of two techniques in percutaneous polectomía treatment of trigger finger.
precisely on this technique for trigger finger , among others, work in a multidisciplinary research team, led by Dr. Red Manaute and whose website can be accessed at this link .
Friday, October 29, 2010
What Kind Of Toilet Closet Do I Have

From the point of view ultrasound is achieving a high degree of accuracy description of tendinopathy its accompanying vascular phenomenon (by Doppler) as well as unexpected side findings sometimes explain the process that had already been labeled as overuse tendinopathy, etc.
As we all know, Frequently tendinopathy (excluding the supraspinatus by particular anatomical location in the tunnel subacromial) are Achilles, the patellar and lateral epicondylar. All have a similar ultrasound semiology:
- enthesis calcification in the classical ram. Likewise, it is common to see intratendinosas calcifications.
- tendon thickening with hypoechoic regions , usually focal, corresponding to the affected areas with a recognizable topography in each tendon, affecting, for example in the epicondilopatía, the region radial tendon, place of insertion of extensor carpi radialis brevis. Can appear in more advanced stages, thinning of the tendon.
- The Doppler examination: a pattern hypervascular hypoechoic areas in the commentary.
However, despite the progress that ultrasound for these diseases are assuming its etiology accurate and correct treatment remains a mystery . On him speak in a following post. As rehabilitation physicians believe that research on this disease should be at the center of our area of \u200b\u200binterest.
Recommended Reading:
- Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal system. Stefano Bianchi, Carlo Martinolli.
- musculoskeletal ultrasound. Ramón Balius.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Name Brand Potato Chips
ultrasound course the SEEC
SEEC, , of \u200b\u200bwhich I am member since last year, is headed by Dr Eugene Cherry, one of those guys unclassifiable, fortunately, gives us the medicine from time to time. There will be next to others such as Drs. Balius and Jiménez Díaz, sport and excellent medical sonographers or Dr Martinolli, author of "bible" of musculoskeletal ultrasound.
I encourage all residents interested in rehabilitation and interventional ultrasound to join the TEAM and join this course and póximos.
interesting training opportunities exist for this season. To whet your appetite we have in San Sebastian 20-23 October an interesting course ultrasound Locomotive organized by the English Society of Ultrasound (SEEC) . It is divided into two parts: introduction and advanced. In this final section focuses on the ecografiía in treatment. We will speak of ultrasound-assisted drainage, foreign body removal, invasive procedures in the carpal tunnel syndrome, etc. Very interesting.
SEEC, , of \u200b\u200bwhich I am member since last year, is headed by Dr Eugene Cherry, one of those guys unclassifiable, fortunately, gives us the medicine from time to time. There will be next to others such as Drs. Balius and Jiménez Díaz, sport and excellent medical sonographers or Dr Martinolli, author of "bible" of musculoskeletal ultrasound.
I encourage all residents interested in rehabilitation and interventional ultrasound to join the TEAM and join this course and póximos.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What's A Disco Trimmer
MECHANICAL RISK. The cost of a simple plug
I know many have gone through the anguish that any problems the car, especially when not clearly identify where the problem lies. I want to share the different situations the damage suffered by a simple plug.
The first time I noticed the engine power loss was accompanied by a strange noise, which is popularly said "a little bird." I understood the expression because the sound was like the chirping of a bird. I took a weekend and went to my trusted mechanic. In mechanical cases, is a risk not having a trusted mechanic ... you can squeeze. Something strange happened, to get to the shop the bird disappeared. I remembered the times I took my kids to the doctor and as a law of Murphy, the fever disappears.
Álvaro, seize to fix the bib (lower layer that protects the engine.) I made this request to my mechanic friend, to keep going to the workshop. I sent one of his assistants to a nearby shop to perform the operation. Upon return, the bird appeared Do you hear, I asked the assistant. I said yes, it seems like the belt, I'm going to calibrate. When he came down the belt, he noticed that the alternator had problems, I suggested changing the bearings. After two hours, the alternator was working well ... like the bird. Another auxiliary hit his ear and discovered the problem ... a few loose screws in the carburetor ... I was happy with my alternator and no bird.
returned with my wife next week. Álvaro, give a tour of the car and tell me what notes? After the tour, asked me how long you do not change the clutch (clutch)? I looked puzzled at my wife ... I do not remember. We agreed that he would leave the car the following Monday to change the clutch. It seemed that would finally force the Problem of the car. That Monday, I waited patiently for news from my mechanic. Two hours called me. I tell you the problems I encountered ... Álvaro began: indeed, the clutch is too damaged, you burst front shock absorbers, also need to be changed mogolla the fifth hub cap, horn, oil box, rear rollers and bands ... etc. Understand what's so clutch and shock absorbers what is the cost of everything I say? ... I asked. His answer made me think about buying another car or continue with my old Skoda ... chose the second option ... well, actually, my savings made the decision.
I went for my car and was happy to note that more strongly, in addition softer feel when I hit upon a gap in the streets of my city. I'm an expert to pass on these holes ... I do not see ... the feel, that is the problem of the shock absorbers.
My joy lasted for eight days ... the car returned to wane. As interestingly, was accompanied by another strange effect ... the loss of energy. Now having difficulty starting, as well as loss of strength noted in the windshield wiper. I went to check the battery How long have you bought the battery?, I asked the person who assisted me. Well, a year ago, you change it myself ... I answered. The continued review for rule out problems with the alternator ... the battery is bad, said the subject. Give me the role of the security and shift the risk ... not documented. After several minutes, I concluded that I had lost my wife ... remember how much paper was bouncing in the car Mijo you because it accumulates so much trash!, Is one of constant recrimination. That crap cost ... well, the value is not important. My indignation, as auditor of quality, is not having registered properly document. Finally, I would have my car with zero nonconformities. "
I took that place next to the screening center was a brake. Can I check the front brakes?, I told the owner of the place (it had changed back straps with Álvaro). While the data gave the owner, a mechanic in a few seconds knocked the front wheels and ... sir, have completely finished the pasta, obviously it has affected the discs to be brushed. Note also the brake fluid hose excessively cracked at any moment he may explode. I remembered the weekends with my family under one of the hills near my place of residence. I recreated the fatal scenario ... ... loss of brakes and also continued the master, you need to change the brake fluid. Conclusion, was with a high mechanical risk. And did not ask for money, gave the order to do the job.
I went with my new car, with good strength ... it seemed that my sufferings were over. Today, I write these notes, my grief was at its maximum.
In my town we are in the "feast of flowers", which is combined with some acts of protest the next possession of the new president of Colombia. To this is added that this day is restricted by the number on my motherboard. In Colombia there is called "pico y placa" which requires no movement of vehicles at certain times, according to the number of the plate, In order to avoid congestion. Whoever is caught will be punished or made a "party."
What of the "parties" reminds me of a nice time with my six years, I want to tell before continuing. Another breach in our traffic code, is to bring children under 10 years in the front seat. From time to time, infringe irresponsibly this provision. He had always warned my son what would happen if caught. When I noticed the presence of traffic police, was hiding with amazing speed in the bottom of the seat ... it was stunned. Once, I asked Daddy! If surprise us, "I also leave me? Without analyzing your question, I answered yes. Shameless!, Why do they kill children?
Return now to the problem today. So I decided to go home before it was sanctioned by a transit authority. Despite the restrictive measure, the city was in chaos. Despite all the arrangements in my car had less power today than ever. My old Skoda looked like he was in his last hours ... its strength was declining. I came to my house sweating, I thought I would never make. Desperate, I opened the hood (engine cover) and watched him without understanding the problem. I checked water and oil, I used carburetor cleaner ... my car languished. I remembered, suddenly, a council of a mechanic my wife's brother ... THE SPARK! His advice was to isolate one by one the candles to detect that some of them did not affect the engine sound ... I found the culprit of my woes spark or seen in other way, guilty of warning of mechanical hazards to which he submitted to my family.
Here the saying "the house of a blacksmith, wooden knife" makes sense. I have spent several years of my life to research on risk, the risk to write about at the end of this year defending my doctoral thesis on risk, but ...
I know many have gone through the anguish that any problems the car, especially when not clearly identify where the problem lies. I want to share the different situations the damage suffered by a simple plug.
The first time I noticed the engine power loss was accompanied by a strange noise, which is popularly said "a little bird." I understood the expression because the sound was like the chirping of a bird. I took a weekend and went to my trusted mechanic. In mechanical cases, is a risk not having a trusted mechanic ... you can squeeze. Something strange happened, to get to the shop the bird disappeared. I remembered the times I took my kids to the doctor and as a law of Murphy, the fever disappears.
Álvaro, seize to fix the bib (lower layer that protects the engine.) I made this request to my mechanic friend, to keep going to the workshop. I sent one of his assistants to a nearby shop to perform the operation. Upon return, the bird appeared Do you hear, I asked the assistant. I said yes, it seems like the belt, I'm going to calibrate. When he came down the belt, he noticed that the alternator had problems, I suggested changing the bearings. After two hours, the alternator was working well ... like the bird. Another auxiliary hit his ear and discovered the problem ... a few loose screws in the carburetor ... I was happy with my alternator and no bird.
returned with my wife next week. Álvaro, give a tour of the car and tell me what notes? After the tour, asked me how long you do not change the clutch (clutch)? I looked puzzled at my wife ... I do not remember. We agreed that he would leave the car the following Monday to change the clutch. It seemed that would finally force the Problem of the car. That Monday, I waited patiently for news from my mechanic. Two hours called me. I tell you the problems I encountered ... Álvaro began: indeed, the clutch is too damaged, you burst front shock absorbers, also need to be changed mogolla the fifth hub cap, horn, oil box, rear rollers and bands ... etc. Understand what's so clutch and shock absorbers what is the cost of everything I say? ... I asked. His answer made me think about buying another car or continue with my old Skoda ... chose the second option ... well, actually, my savings made the decision.
I went for my car and was happy to note that more strongly, in addition softer feel when I hit upon a gap in the streets of my city. I'm an expert to pass on these holes ... I do not see ... the feel, that is the problem of the shock absorbers.
My joy lasted for eight days ... the car returned to wane. As interestingly, was accompanied by another strange effect ... the loss of energy. Now having difficulty starting, as well as loss of strength noted in the windshield wiper. I went to check the battery How long have you bought the battery?, I asked the person who assisted me. Well, a year ago, you change it myself ... I answered. The continued review for rule out problems with the alternator ... the battery is bad, said the subject. Give me the role of the security and shift the risk ... not documented. After several minutes, I concluded that I had lost my wife ... remember how much paper was bouncing in the car Mijo you because it accumulates so much trash!, Is one of constant recrimination. That crap cost ... well, the value is not important. My indignation, as auditor of quality, is not having registered properly document. Finally, I would have my car with zero nonconformities. "
I took that place next to the screening center was a brake. Can I check the front brakes?, I told the owner of the place (it had changed back straps with Álvaro). While the data gave the owner, a mechanic in a few seconds knocked the front wheels and ... sir, have completely finished the pasta, obviously it has affected the discs to be brushed. Note also the brake fluid hose excessively cracked at any moment he may explode. I remembered the weekends with my family under one of the hills near my place of residence. I recreated the fatal scenario ... ... loss of brakes and also continued the master, you need to change the brake fluid. Conclusion, was with a high mechanical risk. And did not ask for money, gave the order to do the job.
I went with my new car, with good strength ... it seemed that my sufferings were over. Today, I write these notes, my grief was at its maximum.
In my town we are in the "feast of flowers", which is combined with some acts of protest the next possession of the new president of Colombia. To this is added that this day is restricted by the number on my motherboard. In Colombia there is called "pico y placa" which requires no movement of vehicles at certain times, according to the number of the plate, In order to avoid congestion. Whoever is caught will be punished or made a "party."
What of the "parties" reminds me of a nice time with my six years, I want to tell before continuing. Another breach in our traffic code, is to bring children under 10 years in the front seat. From time to time, infringe irresponsibly this provision. He had always warned my son what would happen if caught. When I noticed the presence of traffic police, was hiding with amazing speed in the bottom of the seat ... it was stunned. Once, I asked Daddy! If surprise us, "I also leave me? Without analyzing your question, I answered yes. Shameless!, Why do they kill children?
Return now to the problem today. So I decided to go home before it was sanctioned by a transit authority. Despite the restrictive measure, the city was in chaos. Despite all the arrangements in my car had less power today than ever. My old Skoda looked like he was in his last hours ... its strength was declining. I came to my house sweating, I thought I would never make. Desperate, I opened the hood (engine cover) and watched him without understanding the problem. I checked water and oil, I used carburetor cleaner ... my car languished. I remembered, suddenly, a council of a mechanic my wife's brother ... THE SPARK! His advice was to isolate one by one the candles to detect that some of them did not affect the engine sound ... I found the culprit of my woes spark or seen in other way, guilty of warning of mechanical hazards to which he submitted to my family.
Here the saying "the house of a blacksmith, wooden knife" makes sense. I have spent several years of my life to research on risk, the risk to write about at the end of this year defending my doctoral thesis on risk, but ...
Friday, July 30, 2010
Who Make Peel And Stick Ceramic Tile

Callejeando, almost without realizing it, I've run into the sea and I decided to put my feet and refresh awhile. I say goodbye few weeks, waiting for the saltwater exercise the desired effect and soon return to the fray with this stubborn idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming the best doctor possible.
Happy August.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Mucinex And Erectile Dysfunction
ecoguiada injection into the joint Semper

Interesting article Journal of Ultrasound, 2003 (nearly a century) that talks about the feasibility of infiltration of corticosteroids + local anesthetic into the sacroiliac joint . The study, conducted on 60 patients , includes patients after treatment with A INES and continue with physiotherapy symptoms.
highlights the fact that we reveal sincere authors: the success rate in the first 30 ultrasound-guided injections (ie, reaching the intraarticular space) is 76% ; of the last 30 , the 93.5%. Experience is a degree that they say.
The article argues this technique to the CT and fluoroscopy by radiation, and MRI , by its inaccessibility. Among the disadvantages , appointing the difficulty of identifying joint space and therefore to guide the needle . But as we said at the beginning, the article is from 2003 and, from that, and have poured many MHzs
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
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