Saturday, September 18, 2010

Name Brand Potato Chips

ultrasound course the SEEC

interesting training opportunities exist for this season. To whet your appetite we have in San Sebastian 20-23 October an interesting course ultrasound Locomotive organized by the English Society of Ultrasound (SEEC) . It is divided into two parts: introduction and advanced. In this final section focuses on the ecografiía in treatment. We will speak of ultrasound-assisted drainage, foreign body removal, invasive procedures in the carpal tunnel syndrome, etc. Very interesting.

SEEC, , of \u200b\u200bwhich I am member since last year, is headed by Dr Eugene Cherry, one of those guys unclassifiable, fortunately, gives us the medicine from time to time. There will be next to others such as Drs. Balius and Jiménez Díaz, sport and excellent medical sonographers or Dr Martinolli, author of "bible" of musculoskeletal ultrasound.

I encourage all residents interested in rehabilitation and interventional ultrasound to join the TEAM and join this course and póximos.