From the point of view ultrasound is achieving a high degree of accuracy description of tendinopathy its accompanying vascular phenomenon (by Doppler) as well as unexpected side findings sometimes explain the process that had already been labeled as overuse tendinopathy, etc.
As we all know, Frequently tendinopathy (excluding the supraspinatus by particular anatomical location in the tunnel subacromial) are Achilles, the patellar and lateral epicondylar. All have a similar ultrasound semiology:
- enthesis calcification in the classical ram. Likewise, it is common to see intratendinosas calcifications.
- tendon thickening with hypoechoic regions , usually focal, corresponding to the affected areas with a recognizable topography in each tendon, affecting, for example in the epicondilopatÃa, the region radial tendon, place of insertion of extensor carpi radialis brevis. Can appear in more advanced stages, thinning of the tendon.
- The Doppler examination: a pattern hypervascular hypoechoic areas in the commentary.
However, despite the progress that ultrasound for these diseases are assuming its etiology accurate and correct treatment remains a mystery . On him speak in a following post. As rehabilitation physicians believe that research on this disease should be at the center of our area of \u200b\u200binterest.
Recommended Reading:
- Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal system. Stefano Bianchi, Carlo Martinolli.
- musculoskeletal ultrasound. Ramón Balius.