We instructed a psychologist castellanomanchega disoriented about the need for large disabled and the Company understand that suffering is not just that, disability, but rather that its situation was the result of functional diversity. And this misconception arose many problems on this issue. All fellow residents who attended the talk we twisted the same bad way.
This small semantic debate reminded me The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus. The Sisyphus such appeared to be a crook to take up arms he made some mistakes. In its favor, would say that wanting clung to life and its pleasures . accused of some murders lies and was forced to push a stone uphill for, to reach the top, see to roll back down, as an eternal punishment. Camus uses this character to reflect on the tragedy human being and how, only the consciousness of it manages, somehow, give us a chance salvation. Dice also "crushing truths perish from being acknowledged" and only then Sisyphus "knows who owns his days."
Nobody said it was easy and we all know we live in a world beautiful and equally tragic. But like Camus's Sisyphus only coping with individual load, the rock of each, we will go over it and enjoy transcend the view of the valley from the top of the hill while rock downhill wheel for the umpteenth time. "For the struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill one's heart man. Amen.
NOTE: This entry is dedicated to patients in the National Hospital of Paraplegics in Toledo.