Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Roulette Statistic Calculator

Bilbao. Trans 2009 Congress

Back to Bilbao needs no further excuse. If you also is to attend a meeting rehabilitation physicians on both sides of the Pyrenees, then a fortiori.

The conference program treatment several interesting topics: the Friday morning, it reviewed the ACV in its most organizational and management different problems a long-term . It spoke of the entry criteria a unit " intensive rehabilitation" and outputs of these patients (home, day hospitals, outpatient treatment). The degree of involvement reasonable rehabilitation physicians in all these stages, etc.. A bit harsh perhaps, but a information necessary for a resident . The case mix of stroke ... much for the body.

Friday afternoon I went to a workshop injections given by a certain Mathieu de Seze, Bordeaux of which was not bad. Little mention of imaging techniques such as support, put a but. On Saturday morning, another workshop instrumental methods of examination of the progress . I'd go with a device called Locometer, did not know and I was simple and useful.

Finally, Saturday spoke of knee osteoarthritis, of new theories that give increasing importance to inflammatory process and its damaging consequences for cartilage as opposed to mechanical Exclusively explanation. Interesting. Should we review again physiology of the race? Mmmm ...
PD: I take to send my congratulations from here Dr Pacheco and Dr Mugica (organizer of the Congress) and service, who pressed gently so that everything works.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Healthy Bmi For Male Models

New tools in rehabilitation in musculoskeletal ultrasound internet

I take a course in musculoskeletal ultrasound organized in the Hospital Gómez Ulla de Madrid with a very positive result. The aríifices the case are members of the English Society of Ultrasound (SEEC) A very heterogeneous and open of medical from places as diverse as occupational medicine, sports medicine or orthopedic surgery . united by a common passion by ultrasound and its potential .

Some of the speakers and Fernando Jimenez Diaz or Ramón Balius, sports doctors, ultrasound-interventionism discussed which highlighted the significant handicap of not using this technique, for example, to make infiltration.

Another satisfaction was found most rehabilitation physicians among the attendees. There was also family physicians, orthopedists or rheumatologists . We must bear in mind this technique because if we learn to manage it well, simply better .