Sunday, November 15, 2009

Healthy Bmi For Male Models

New tools in rehabilitation in musculoskeletal ultrasound internet

I take a course in musculoskeletal ultrasound organized in the Hospital Gómez Ulla de Madrid with a very positive result. The aríifices the case are members of the English Society of Ultrasound (SEEC) A very heterogeneous and open of medical from places as diverse as occupational medicine, sports medicine or orthopedic surgery . united by a common passion by ultrasound and its potential .

Some of the speakers and Fernando Jimenez Diaz or Ramón Balius, sports doctors, ultrasound-interventionism discussed which highlighted the significant handicap of not using this technique, for example, to make infiltration.

Another satisfaction was found most rehabilitation physicians among the attendees. There was also family physicians, orthopedists or rheumatologists . We must bear in mind this technique because if we learn to manage it well, simply better .


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