Colombia disaster

E n recent years, disasters natural or technological origin, have increased the number of affected persons throughout the world. Budgets to address these emergencies are no longer sufficient. The unfortunate experience left by Hurricane Katrina, is one of many calls attention to governments to formulate effective policies for disaster prevention, thus avoiding the terrible nightmare of helplessness in response to the disaster.
P ut if a powerful country like the United States was powerless against the New Orleans disaster that awaits Colombia with the limited resources to deal with such events. Statement is not free, the only example of the Galeras volcano is confirmed.
We are a country with a sad history of disasters. We live with the constant threat of earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, terrorist attacks, epidemics, car accidents and other social origin, of whom we deal in this corner.
Three disasters in Colombia are in the "Top
The September 27, 1987, there was an avalanche on the slopes of Sugar Loaf Mountain, burying more than 400 people in the poor sector of Villatina in MedellĂn (EM-DAT
Top 10 Countries affected by Slides | |||||
Country | Date | Killed | Country | Date | Affected |
Soviet Union | 1949 | 12,000 | Brazil | 11-Jan-1966 | 4,000,000 |
Peru | Dec-1941 | 5,000 | India | Jul-1986 | 2,500,000 |
Honduras | 20-Sep-1973 | 2,800 | India | 12-Sep-1995 | 1,100,000 |
Peru | 10-Jan-1962 | 2,000 | Nepal | 15-Jul-2002 | 265,865 |
Italy | 9-Oct-1963 | 1,189 | Indonesia | 31-Mar-2003 | 229,548 |
India | 1-Oct-1968 | 1,000 | Philippines | 19-Dec-2003 | 217,988 |
Colombia | 27-Sep-1987 | 640 | India | 17Aug-1998 | 200,000 |
Peru | 18-Mar-1971 | 600 | Bolivia | Feb-1994 | 165,000 |
China P Rep | 23-Mar-1934 | 500 | Brazil | 30-Jul-2000 | 143,000 |
India | 18-Sep-1948 | 500 | Chile | 19-Jun-1991 | 82.811 |
Created on: Nov-21 -2005. - Data version: v05.10 |
recently reminisced about the 20 years of Armero disaster, but it seems we have learned. We can only Omaira image as a faithful witness of what had actually happened. The government and budget came away with it, the dead do not consume resources.
The volcanic disaster that claimed over 21,000 lives is the second highest in the history recorded by the EM-DAT
Top 10 Countries Affected by Volcano | |||||
Country | Date | Killed | Country | Date | Affected |
Martinique | 8-May-1902 | 30,000 | Philippines | 9-Jun-1991 | 1,036,065 |
Colombia | 13-Nov1985 | 21.800 | Indonesia | 5-April-1982 | 300.000 |
Guatemala | 24-Oct-1902 | 6,000 | Indonesia | 1969 | 250,000 |
Indonesia | 1909 | 5,500 | Philippines | 6-Feb-1993 | 165,009 |
Indonesia | May-1919 | 5,000 | New Guinea | 19-Sep-1994 | 152,002 |
Guatemala | 1929 | 5,000 | Ecuador | 3-Nov-2002 | 128,150 |
New Guinea | 15-Jan-1951 | 3,000 | Zaire/Congo | 17-Jan-2002 | 110,400 |
Cameroon | 21Aug-1986 | 1,746 | Indonesia | 3-Jan-1963 | 78,000 |
Indonesia | 3-Jan-1963 | 1,584 | Guadeloupe | 30Aug-1976 | 75,003 |
St Vincent | 8-May-1902 | 1.565 | Mexico | 21-Dec-1994 | 75.000 |
Created on: Nov-21-2005 . - Data version: v05.10 |
In industrial disasters are the champions. On August 7, 1956, in Cali was recorded more dreadful disaster of industrial origin. Seven military trucks carrying 40 tons of gelatinous dynamite explode, destroying more than 40 blocks in five neighborhoods in the city. The records EMDAT 2.700 dead, Cali talk to more than 10,000. "For three days straight, got trucks of corpses" is the testimony of one of the gravediggers in the city. "Flying fireballs, I thought the world was running out," says another of the witnesses of the disaster.
"What other disasters await us? We are vulnerable in all contexts, socially and economically we are not prepared. The major technological developments bring other impacts (invisible ones, known others), we have not evaluated and less developed policies for prevention. Hopefully in the future, anthropogenic disaster does not lead us to occupy the first places in the database EM-DAT
Top 10 Countries Affected by Industrial Accident | |||||
Country | Date | Killed | Country | Date | Affected |
Colombia | 7-Aug-1956 | 2,700 | Mexico | 19Nov-1984 | 708,248 |
India | 3-Dec-1984 | 2,500 | Brazil | 1-Apr-2003 | 550,000 |
China P Rep | 26-Apr-1942 | 1,549 | Soviet Union | 29-Sep-1957 | 400,935 |
France | 10-Mar-1906 | 1,099 | Japan | 30-Sep-1999 | 320,600 |
Nigeria | 17-Oct-1998 | 1,082 | India | 3-Dec-1984 | 300,000 |
Iraq | 17Aug-1989 | 700 | Canada | 1979 | 220,000 |
Soviet Union | 4-Jun-1989 | 607 | USA | 28-Mar-1979 | 200,000 |
Germany | 21-Sep-1921 | 600 | Italy | 10-Jul-1976 | 190,893 |
USA | 16-Apr-1947 | 561 | China P Rep | 16-Apr-2004 | 150,000 |
Brazil | 25-Feb-1984 | 508 | Soviet Union | 26-Apr-1986 | 135,000 |
Created on: Nov- 21-2005. - Data version: v05.10 |
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