Wednesday, March 1, 2006

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Anticipating the impact of technology on less developed countries

Anticipating the impact of technology on LDCs [1]

" When the benefits of committing a crime outweigh the costs, a person commit the " . Gary Becker (American economist at the University of Chicago), taken from " The end of man" by Francis Fukuyama

In the context of this intervention in order to avoid any discussion of epistemological, delivery of following assumptions: consider "nature" or "natural" the existing biophysical, technical and cultural, then this is not a dream or evoked nature, it is so much nature as biophysical, technical and / or cultures possess. It is "their" nature, "my" nature, actual or representational nature of it is taken, the second course is the crime, which I take as the transgression of nature before alleged, an offense then the elimination of the current "Monarch" is an offense to replace endogenous crops GM crops, is a crime risk of technological origin fact.

One of the least developed countries is the low investment in R & D activities + I and consequently, low or no investment in studies on the impacts of new and old technologies in the natural environment and social development of these countries. Moreover, public policies associated with the interests of economic groups, some supported the initiatives to assess these impacts, promoting environmental crime, cultural, or social. Crime from this cognitive deficit can be characterized as unintentional, but from a scientific-technological irrationality impact assessment is clearly intentional.

deny that technology is a key factor in developing countries is as absurd as to deny that it is an essential factor in the emergence of new risks. Society to deny technology or Broncano artificial world is to deny Beck's risk society.

These risks of technological origin that have triggered the alerts in the precarious relationship between technology - society are left to show through what the media are allowed to manage or report: the evil of mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE), the thinning of the ozone layer, global warming, the asbestos industry, la catástrofe nuclear, la contaminación por residuos tóxicos, los efectos inciertos de los alimentos transgénicos son sólo unos pocos ejemplos de los impactos no anticipados.

Los impactos de la bomba atómica y del ataque terrorista del 11 de septiembre, son tan reales que el riesgo objetivo de los expertos se confunde con el riesgo subjetivo de nosotros los legos. El riesgo real se democratiza, se estrecha la relación tecnología – sociedad, se crean los pactos, las políticas ahora tienen en cuenta la participación ciudadana.

Pero riesgos no tan visibles como los originados por las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, especially "Internet" and the still uncertain risks that arise from biotechnology constitute compelling theme in any technological development agenda.

These new risks do not respect the level of development of either country.

genetic engineering and its great product, the human genome project has generated social movements grouped around the uncertainty associated with future use of this new knowledge. The possibility of crime, apparently overcome such as eugenics or crimes against human dignity, leads in turn to the governments of developed countries should set up to evaluate and if appropriate to regulate these new technologies. The subprogrammes ELSI ( Ethical, legal and social issues) U.S., the HALS in Europe or the International Committee of Bioethics reflects the concern of scientists, politicians and society in general face these new challenges the world technology.

initial questions then arise, why in our countries, less developed, there are no such bodies? Like we are consumers of genetically modified foods and importers of organophosphorus (possible cause of BSE and not feed as you think). We have become attractive clients' businesses transgenic "as Monsanto, what are the policies for prevention and control that we make? Economic interests take precedence over the general good? How to prevent crime?

Parallel to the globalization of the economy, treated as arising from free trade that strengthen not only the markets but the risk society. It's no wonder that the first transgenic maize native corn, corn that increasingly bizarre "natural world." Under the pretext of calming world hunger, the severity risks are created, not assessed, threatens the existence of the so often deteriorated nature, ignoring the problem is not food but poverty. The ecological imbalance and loss of biodiversity resist any ethical judgments of cost-effective.

What then is the role of LDCs in these trials ethical? Are we mere accomplices to crimes, to the use and abuse of new technologies?

[1] Intervention in the International Technology and Development. Institute of Technology Metropolitan. Medellín, March 1, 2006



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