During the broadcast of classical super Boca - River (October 8, 2006), one of the commentators sports promotion was a disarmament campaign in Argentina with the phrase "A gun in your home is a problem in your home." On October 9, the world awoke to the terrible news: North Korea conducted its first nuclear test successful (do not understand what's successful.) According to experts (not North Koreans), the estimated size the bomb detonated, between 550 tons and 15 kilotons (the Hiroshima was 12.5 kilotons or so). Came to my mind the phrase Argentina "A gun in your house (our home, our planet) is a problem in your home."
Twenty years ago the German sociologist Ulrich Beck began the discussion on "global risks" with the publication of his book Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity . In the text highlighted the emergence of invisible risks [1] , risks unnatural, uncontrollable risks, which have their origin in the creation, distribution and use of new technologies.
This new weapon (pump) in my house, really it is a problem, a big problem. As Beck says, we became unmanageable and is not a problem in a particular country is a problem of all is a global risk.
Beck in 2002 highlighted three areas of conflict in the "world risk society": environmental conflict, global financial crisis and the terrorist threat [2] . In this corner we will highlight one of the environmental conflict: global warming. I know for certain is to talk about that much talked about, but perhaps "we hear?
But not enough to deafen our ears to the voices warning of the overall risk. Its effects and other senses are perceiving. Feel more heat, we noticed the temperature rising, we see glaciers disappear, we feel the death blow of the hurricane, the "child" is behaving strangely. We are sitting on a time bomb, as well as deaf we become blind to certain events: the number of hurricanes of Category 4 and 5 has doubled in the last thirty years (just take a look to 2005), malaria has spread to regions of higher altitude, heat waves are more frequent and more intense, more frequent infectious diseases (before we had a cold a year, we're not cold once a year), droughts and reduced production of ozone with impacts this entails.
The November 21 will launch the documentary An Inconvenient Truth . Global warming . E ste complete documentary highlights the very delicate moment in which our planet and shows facts, figures and information often not available when we try to see the entire context of global warming. The poster is published with this article for the documentary, and the following photos are an example of what is documented. For more information www.climatecrisis.net.
What is global warming? Answers a question that brings inconvenience to the main producers of carbon dioxide, inconvenient truths as reported in the documentary
If the warming continues, we can expect catastrophic consequences
Only we can solve the problem we have at home, it is our obligation moral disarm the bomb. Small changes in our daily routine are great changes that help stop the clock on the bomb: drive less, recycle your trash, plant a tree, turn off your electronics when not in use, and reduce unnecessary emissions of gases listed. The time to solve the problem NOW.

Yesterday was Katrina, now no matter the name. Yesterday was "trinity" (1945 U.S.), RDS-1 (Russia 1949), Hurricane (1952 in England), Gerboise Bleue (1960 in France), "
[1] In fact, Beck speaks of "unseen dangers." Beck According to some critics, there is confusion between what Beck means what it means danger and risk. The English translation and publication risk society ( Risk Society: Towards a new modernity ) Was held in 1992.
[2] In 1999, Beck published the book World Risk Society. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Beck published article Terrorist Threat, World Risk Society revisited .
[3] (N20, CH4, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) gases are known as "greenhouse gases" because they trap solar radiation, longwave causing a gradual warming effect
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