How patiently responsible for always remind Drs. Martin del Rosario and Samuel Franco, among others, the tools 2.0. are, at this point, essential to be alive as a doctor. They keep out new applications and utilities to streamline and shorten the task of finding information . How we know for a while the problem at hand is the knowledge management and not, as before, access to it. It's fantastic to watch the swing of a pendulum clock over 100 years but not well marked time. However, at work beauty exists only in what is useful.
One of many useful tools that exist on the network is this page: http://emedicine.medscape.com/ a Wiki in which list the agendas of different specialties medical, including ours. Each is written by the relevant specialty physicians who are also properly identified.
page seems a good starting point to uproot residents in the study of the pathology that interests us, us with it in a blink of an eye and think and to go always a little further.
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