As I hooked the technological train just in time to board the last car , I have the thing that fascinated me easy for gadgets as they appear.
plagiarized the theme of Dr. del Pino Blog comment this application for iPhone has come to hand. It's about ultrasound, called SonoAccess and download for free. The idea is as simple as a store ultrasound videos of the user filter by disciplines: in our case, musculoskeletal . It is divided into several tabs: Coach, Cases, Images, Guides and News . useful and easy to use , as it should be. Most videos are made by our colleague, the American physiatrist already mentioned in this blog, Steven Sampson (a nice guy, this Steve ).

Turning obsessions always see ever more clearly the idea that today operate a tool to support his potential in the technological development is the right decision. Being a bit wrong you could say that the high-frequency probes are updated more (and better) that DeLisa, the Brotzman, etc. And I personally can choose prefer to go in a Ferrari to go on a Mini. Is to look more handsome!
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